martes, 8 de abril de 2014


Did you know ... 

The official languages ​​of the European Union are twenty but consists of twenty-eight countries.
Official languages ​​of the EU are: Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Danish, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese , Romanian and Swedish.

There are over twenty ways to say hello and goodbye. Let's see some ways, the more we attract our attention.

- German: hallo (hello) Auf Wiedersehen (goodbye)
- Bulgarian: : здравей (hello) сбогом (goodbye)
- Croatian: bok  (hello) zbogom (goodbye)
- Estonian: tere (hello) adieu (goodbye)
- Finnish: hei (hello) hyvästi (goodbye)
-  Latvian: sveiki (hello) ardievas (goodbye)
- Greek:γειά σου (hello) αντίο (goodbye)
- Polish: cześć (hello) adieu (goodbye)
- Swedish: Hallå (hello) adieu (goodbye)

Thanks for reading

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